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Tuan Tanah

Assalammualaikum! My name is Kamarlia. Tapi name glamerrss Kama Pilot. Kenapa Pilot? sebab cita2 nk jadi austronout tapi jauh nau nak pi nasa tu rendahkan sikit la, tukar jd pilot. Tp tu pon tak lepas jugak sebab rabun. So, amikla electrical. HAHA. xde kene mengena. Tapi cita2 tu tetap tersemat di sanubari. Cewaah. Peminat tegar SHINee. Yes! I am MVP n SHAWOL. The youngest daughter of KAMAR's Family (all of my family members start from KAMAR include my mom n dad). Electrical Engineer to be. InsyaALLAH. Welcome to my blog. Where I share my experiences on my personal life and all sorts of stuff. Hope to see you around! :)

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20 facts abaout me
Khamis, 19 Februari 2015 | Posted by Lionel | 0 comment/s

Da bertahun da rasenye kan x update blog ni. hahaha
Pejam celik pejam celik sekarang aku dah pun berada di tahun 4 semester 2.
Huaa. cuak gile beb fyp.

Bersyukur terhadap Illahi dengan doa dan sokongan mak,ayah, n kawan2.
Tak sangka giler kejap je dah nak abeh da.
Rase macam baru semalam je aku masuk yutiyem yg tercinta ni. hikkss

Lepas ni mesti rindu budak2 Skei
Lepas ni mesti rindu budak2 Suksis
Lepas ni mesti rindu budak2 yutiyem
Lepas ni mesti rindu lecturer2
Lepas ni mesti rindu semua. huaaaa. *lap2airmata

Ok da terkeluar topik pulak
Excited sangat da lame x update blog

So, here 20 Facts about me

  1. I love something funny, gag. I love to talk about funny things. Because Im happy when people laugh when I speak. Haha. I tends to fall in love with something funny. So, you know what is my prince charming criteria right? *tutupmuka
  2.  I am a megi fanatic. I love megi so much. People tends to call me hantu megi or what so ever. Well, I just love it. Haha. Kalau org megi tu adalah makanan terakhir tp aku megi adalah makanan kedua terpenting lepas nasik laa
  3. I am not a gayat people. Sebab cita2 dulu nak jd pilot n astronaut kan. Mane boleh gayat beb. And I love extreme games like hmmm Abseiling, High rope, Roller coaster, Fun Fair, bende yg terbang2, lompat2, panjat2 ni laa. Haha
  4. I love my mom's asam pedas, ikan sembilang masak lemak cili api with rebung so much. Makan 3 hari 3 malam pun xpe nih.
  5. I love to cooks. Suka sangat cuba resipi baru. But i dont like being with others at the kitchen. (like my mom). Hihi. Seganlaa org tengok kite masak. So, kalau ade org lain aku akan buat2 x pandai masak. Haha. Boley x gitu
  6. I love to work because I love money so much. I have been working since 16 y/o .Kedai makan, kedai tudung, pasaraya, kedai baju, jual topup, keje kilang sume da penah rase.
  7.  My phone password is 'W' stands for Wan which is my first love.
  8. I never couple since 18 y/o until now and also during my studies at terendak (15 y/o until 17 y/o) because of someone
  9. I love math very very much. Sebab bile dah buat tu leka je. (Selagi x dapat jawapan x puas hati mesti nak solvekan jugak)
  10. I love music, all kinds of music (indie, hip hop, rock, jazz) and also I love all kind of movie and drama genre ( anime, korean, thai, malay, english, philipin, japanese, thriller, detective, action) except cite hantu. Memang elergik. Haha.
  11. Senang nak hafal lagu. Sekali dua dengar je dah hafal. Kadang2 suara penyanyi pun aku boleh bezakan (tau sape yg nyanyi). I guess only this is my talent. huaa *facepalm
  12. Kaki bangku, tangan bangku. Tak reti main bola and pape la. Sebab x boley fokus dengan bola. Haha
  13. I love navy, I love army, I love airforce
  14. Kalau rapat aku memang banyak cakap. Tapi aku emo sikit la (cepat marah) Haha. Tapi cepat sejuk
  15. Ramai lelaki kate aku garang. Yes. Sebab aku tak suke sangat nak lentok2 kat orang yg aku x rapat especially guys. And aku x suke la lelaki yg jiwang lentok2 ni. Haha
  16. Love onew sebab suara dia sedap n unik n of coarse funny. Haha. Sorry aku x pandang orang tu muke die hensem ke x
  17. Mini Cooper and Suzuki Swift is my favourite car. Kire macam kereta idaman la. Aku suke kereta kecik sebab senang nak parking. Haha. Moga kita berjodohan
  18. Paling benci org tikam belakang n someone that hurts my parents feeling. Berdas2 kene nanti. Tengoklaa. and Im not forgave this two kind of person easily. Kalau dah maafkan pun, aku trauma nak rapat balik (memang x la nak rapat)
  19. Senang memaafkan org kecuali 2 golongan di atas
  20. I am animal lover. Cita2 nak bela kucing, arnab, hamster n yg berkaitan. Comeeyy sangat *melting

So, thats all 20 Facts about me. Aku x pernah cite kat sapa2 naa benda ni
 Shhh. Rahsia kay *wink